Bioterrorism Response Planning
Since September 11, 2001, the United States government has tirelessly continued to increase levels of security and response capability throughout the nation. Clermont County General Health District is part of this effort.
With funding assistance under the Department of Homeland Security Public Health Infrastructure Grant, the CCGHD has been increasing preparedness since 2002 in the area of Bioterrorism and Emergency Preparedness. The CCGHD Bioterrorism Response Planning Department is working diligently to coordinate response activities among local and Southwest Ohio Regional response agencies.This collaboration has resulted in the creation, development and implementation of the Medical Reserve Corps volunteer organization, increased participation with local emergency relief organizations and faith based organizations, regional response plans and mutual aid agreements, as well as bolstered local Emergency and Terrorism Response Plans.
The CCGHD has also focused attention toward increased training and awareness of its staff on subjects relating to Terrorism Preparedness and Incident Management. These are only a few of the many CCGHD accomplishments and improvements in this nationwide effort to better prepare Public Health. Preparedness for emergencies is still ongoing and the CCGHD remains vigilant to help protect and preserve the health and safety of Clermont County. Homeland Security Response Guides